Episode 41: Rob Tong on Growth Mindset in Coaching and Parenting
/“We want to help our kids to approach adversity from a way that helps them to overcome things and not think that they are defined as something.”
A father of seven, Rob is the host of the Youth Baseball Edge podcast. Rob is an expert not only in youth sports, but also in podcasting, with the highest ranked amateur baseball podcast on iTunes, and over 100 episodes recorded to date. His children, ranging in from age 20 to 4, have been instrumental to his growth as a coach and sport parent. He has served as a head baseball coach for multiple teams over the last 13 years, beginning as a coach to his own kids, and started his podcast to share what he has learned along the way. Kathy and Rob talk mental game, fixed vs. growth mindset, and the influence others have on athletes - especially parents. He shares ten questions he uses to check in with his children annually (check out Youth Baseball Edge ep. 105), when and how to push, and the 20-hour rule; committing twenty hours of practice before giving up to give the athlete time to see success. Be sure to listen in to Youth Baseball Edge (we loved the Brian Cane episode on mental game), found here: https://www.youthbaseballedge.com/podcasts, and if you enjoyed this episode, please like and review us on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Play!